%0 Journal Article %T Paralisia facial associada ¨¤ otite m¨¦dia aguda %A Yonamine %A Fernando Kaoru %A Tuma %A Juliane %A Silva %A Rog¨¦rio Fernandes Nunes da %A Soares %A Maria Claudia Mattos %A Testa %A Jos¨¦ Ricardo Gurgel %J Revista Brasileira de Otorrinolaringologia %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S0034-72992009000200011 %X acute otitis media with facial paralysis is not a very frequent association. aim: the goal of the present investigation was to asses the evolution of facial paralysis caused by acute otitis media. study format: clinical-retrospective. materials and methods: we studied 40 patients with this association, from a total of 2758 cases of facial paralysis seen during this time in the department of facial nerve disorders. all the patients were clinically assessed and had epidemiological data, prognostics and evolution. results and conclusion: the paralysis was of sudden onset in 95% of the cases. recovery was of 85% for grade i (house-brackman) and 15% for grade ii (house-brackman). treatment was clinical, with antibiotics and steroids - yielding good results. in those patients with electrical bad prognosis, facial nerve decompression turned their evolution into a favorable one. %K otitis media %K facial paralysis. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-72992009000200011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en