%0 Journal Article %T Am¨¦rica Latina a inicios de la segunda d¨¦cada del siglo XXI: entre el regionalismo estrat¨¦gico y la regionalizaci¨®n fragmentada %A Bizzozero %A Lincoln %J Revista Brasileira de Pol¨ªtica Internacional %D 2011 %I Instituto Brasileiro de Rela??es Internacionais %R 10.1590/S0034-73292011000100003 %X the article analyzes the evolution of regionalism in latin america from the 1990s. it exhibits the options that consider to the countries in their foreign policies against the initiatives of the united states and the changes in the international system. one sets out the functional importance of the emergent powers (pems) and the regions in the present phase of capitalism. finally, the article analyzes the perspective of regionalism in latin america as much in the international system as in the construction of a regional model of governance. %K latin america %K strategic regionalism %K emerging powers %K regional governance %K global governance. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-73292011000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en