%0 Journal Article %T Desigualdades sociodemogr¨¢ficas e causas de morte em menores de cinco anos no Estado de Pernambuco %A Murakami %A Gabriela Ferraz %A Guimar£¿es %A Maria Jos¨¦ Bezerra %A Sarinho %A S¨ªlvia Wanick %J Revista Brasileira de Sa¨²de Materno Infantil %D 2011 %I Instituto Materno Infantil de Pernambuco %R 10.1590/S1519-38292011000200005 %X objectives: to characterize mortality in children aged under five years in the three-year period, 2004-2006, identifying sociodemographic inequalities and differences in the cause of death among the sub-regions of the state of pernambuco. methods: a cross-sectional study was carried out of 6721 deaths of children aged under five living in municipalities with death and alive newborn registers and these were divided up into four sub-regions. for the variables under study, inequalities in proportional mortality (chi-squared) and mortality rates among children aged under five (mru5) - ratio of rates and over-mortality - were analyzed. results: among the sub-regions, the mru5 varied from 18.3/1000nv (in the metropolitan region of recife - rmr) to 28.4/1000nv (in the sert£¿o), the mean being 21.7/1000nv. the higher mru5s for mata, agreste and sert£¿o compared to the mru5 for the rmr represent an over-mortality rate of 1055. the proportional mortality differed (p<0.05) as to place of death occurence, characteristics of municipality of residence (hdi, women's literacy, fecundity rate) specific basic causes of the chapters of perinatal diseases, infectious diseases and parasites. in the sert£¿o, the mru5 that could be reduced to adequate care levels for pregnant women, delivery and newborns, by promoting health and adequate diagnosis and treatment were 1.6; 2.2 and 2.7 times higher than in the rmr. conclusions: mortality in children aged under five in pernambuco revealed inequalities among the sub-regions. %K child mortality %K causes of death %K health inequalities. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1519-38292011000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en