%0 Journal Article %T Influ¨ºncia da posi£¿£¿o ortost¨¢tica na ocorr¨ºncia de sintomas e sinais cl¨ªnicos de venopatias de membros inferiores em trabalhadores de uma gr¨¢fica na cidade do Recife-PE %A Berenguer %A Fl¨¢via de Ara¨²jo %A Silva %A Dayse de Amorim Lins e %A Carvalho %A Celina Cordeiro de %J Revista Brasileira de Sa¨²de Ocupacional %D 2011 %I Fundacentro %R 10.1590/S0303-76572011000100016 %X although there is no evidence of direct causal relationship between venous disease and work, currently there is consensus of medical opinion that posture at work can aggravate this type of disease. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of prolonged orthostatic posture in the onset and/or worsening of signs and symptoms related to lower limb venous disorders among employees of a printing company in recife, between may and july 2008. we analyzed the conditions and means made available for employees to perform their labor activities. they answered a questionnaire with questions related to lower limb circulatory disorders, reporting complaints throughout and at the end of working day. lower limbs perimetry was tested before and after work. sixty-four per cent of workers had varicose veins and increased perimetry measures after their working hours. reported complaints included feeling heavy, fatigue, pains, cramps, and lower limb edema. the results indicated a positive association between working conditions at the investigated company and emerging or worsening of signs and symptoms related to venous disorders in lower limbs of its employees. %K occupational diseases %K venous insufficiency %K work environment. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0303-76572011000100016&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en