%0 Journal Article %T Mapeamento de vulnerabilidades socioambientais e de contextos de promo£¿£¿o da sa¨²de ambiental na comunidade rural do Lamar£¿o, Distrito Federal, 2011 %A Carneiro %A Fernando Ferreira %A Hoefel %A Maria da Gra£¿a %A Silva %A Marina Aparecida Malheiros %A Nepomuceno %A Alceb¨ªades Renato %A Vilela %A Cleidiane %A Amaral %A Fernanda Rocha %A Carvalho %A Graciele Pollyanna M. %A Batista %A Jaqueline Leite %A Lopes %A Patr¨ªcia Abreu %J Revista Brasileira de Sa¨²de Ocupacional %D 2012 %I Fundacentro %R 10.1590/S0303-76572012000100016 %X objective: to involve undergraduate students in an extension activity aimed at conducting a participatory diagnosis on life, environment, and work conditions in a rural settlement, with the purpose of raising goals for future health promotion actions performed by community health agents of the family health strategy. methods: the study was held between october 2010 and january 2011 in the rural community of lamar£¿o, located in the federal district in brazil. by means of interviews, visits, and workshops, students and community health agents used participatory rapid appraisal instruments as well as tools for mapping socio-environmental vulnerability and health promotion related issues. results: the following were identified as life promotion factors in the community: food production diversity, freedom and safety, unity and community organization, job generation, and nature. considered as threatening to life were: food culture, improper use of pesticides, inadequate use of personal protective equipment, aerial spraying, lack of leisure, lack of transportation, use of licit and illicit drugs. conclusion: a participatory intervention project will be developed, which will incorporate teaching, research and extension activities regarding health, work, environment, and nutrition. %K rural health %K environmental health %K occupational health %K family health %K health promotion. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0303-76572012000100016&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en