%0 Journal Article %T Viv¨ºncias de trabalhadores com defici¨ºncia: uma an¨¢lise ¨¤ luz da Psicodinamica do Trabalho %A Le£¿o %A Marluce Auxiliadora Borges Glaus %A Silva %A Ludimila Santos %J Revista Brasileira de Sa¨²de Ocupacional %D 2012 %I Fundacentro %R 10.1590/S0303-76572012000100019 %X employers report difficulties in complying with the legislation on hiring disabled workers. their management includes the integration between their life experiences and the formal market demands. this study investigated the subjective experiences of workers with hearing and physical disabilities of a large company in vale do paraiba, state of s£¿o paulo, brazil, in 2010. it was a qualitative research with six case studies, using semi-structured interviews, which contents were analyzed according to psychodynamics of work. results pointed out aspects of workers' suffering due to their physical or psychological distress and as a consequence of lack of recognition at work. these situations led them to adopt defensive attitudes when facing adverse situations, such as prejudices regarding disability that prevail in this context. aspects of pleasure were also presented: being employed developed autonomy and sense of competence. the study concludes that suffering was superimposed upon pleasure among these workers, and that the current view of disability was an obstacle for their professional growth and real inclusion in the market. it suggests an improvement in the managing processes by taking into consideration the disabled workers' view to resignify disability concepts, to effectively enforce legislation, and to minimize mental health risks among them. %K mental health %K psychodynamics of work %K people with disabilities %K job market. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0303-76572012000100019&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en