%0 Journal Article %T Aplicaci¨®n foliar de ¨¢cido glut¨¢mico en plantas de jitomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mili.) %A Serna-Rodr¨ªguez %A Jos¨¦ Reynaldo %A Castro-Brindis %A Rogelio %A Colinas-Le¨®n %A Mar¨ªa Teresa %A Sahag¨²n-Castellanos %A Jaime %A Rodr¨ªguez-P¨¦rez %A Juan Enrique %J Revista Chapingo. Serie horticultura %D 2011 %I Universidad Aut¨®noma Chapingo %X glutamic acid is an amino acid that is involved in several plant metabolic processes. this study was conducted to determine whether the foliar application of glutamic acid produces better development of the tomato plant and increases fruit production. the experiment was conducted under greenhouse and hydroponic conditions. the variables which produced positive responses to the application of glutamic acid were chlorophyll b content, fruit fresh weight, fruit dry weight and activity of the enzyme glutamine synthetase. %K lycopersicon esculentum %K nitrogen sorption %K nitrogen assimilation %K chlorophyll b %K fruit weight %K glutamine synthetase. %U http://www.scielo.org.mx/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1027-152X2011000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en