%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci車n higi谷nico-sanitaria y acci車n antag車nica de cepas de lactobacilos comerciales frente a microorganismos pat車genos (escherichia coli) presentes en el queso de capa del municipio de mompox %A Dur芍n Lengua %A Marlene %A Montero Castillo %A Piedad %A Fl車rez D赤az %A Wilfrido %A Franco de la Hoz %A Vicenta %A Coneo Rodr赤guez %A Rusbel %J Revista Cient赤fica %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the aim of this study was to assess the hygienic quality of the cheese layer in the mompox municipality in the department of bolivar, colombia, and the bactericidal capacity of the lactobacillus spp isolated from a commercial product (yogurt). sixteen cheese layer samples of 200g each were taken from four manufacturing sites between april and november of 2006, the samples were packed in sterile bags and transported with ice in polystyrene to the laboratory of food microbiology at the university of cartagena, the university assessed the microbial of aerobic mesophiles total coliforms, fecal coliforms, e. coli and salmonella. this study threw an average of aerobic mesophiles 1.5℅108, of total coliforms 2.5℅103; confirmed the presence of e. coli and the absence of salmonella, as well as strains of lactic acid in the samples studied. in general, microbial counts exceed the levels established by colombian legislation. furthermore, assessment of antagonistic activity of commercial lactobacillus was demonstrated against isolated strains of e. coli. %K antagonism %K bacteriocins %K cheese %K probiotics. %U http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0798-22592010000300014&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en