%0 Journal Article %T C¨¢ncer de colon: an¨¢lisis del costo de enfermedad para los estadios III y IV en Cansercoop IPS %A Sanabria Rojas %A Andrea %A Mart¨ªnez %A Jos¨¦ Ignacio %A D¨ªaz Rojas %A Jorge Augusto %J Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Qu¨ªmico - Farmac¨¦uticas %D 2009 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the cancer colon has an increased incidence in colombia and is a leading causes of mortality and morbidity in this group of diseases with a high economic and emotional burden, from the standpoint of economic impact there is little information in the colombian context, for this reason, this work makes a case study in a health institution providing services, applying the methodology of "cost of illness" based on the prevalence of disease. aim: to estimate the whole costs, both direct and indirect to cancer colon; establishing a distribution resources to iii and iv stages. method: analysis cost of illness was used in patients were diagnosed as having both iii and iv stages with cancer colon, from january 2005 to october 2007; checking a base data in cansercoop ips. results: 79 people were identified, 44 (iii stage) and 35 (iv stage), 59.9% of all of them are women up to 60 years old and 58.2% belong to salud total. the total cost was $ 348.254.762, 98.4% were direct costs and 1.59% were indirect costs. average cost for each patient was $ 1.700.816 (49.288-11.529.013), iii stage and $ 7.653.742 (13.523-70.354.423), iv stage. 65.66% are medicines. conclusions: the total costs, both iii and iv stages were $ 77.143.347 and $ 271.111.415 in iii stage and $182.570.717 in iv stage. this analysis can be considered as a preliminary study; however it means a step to subsequent economic health assessments. %K colon cancer %K analysis "cost of illness" %K directs costs %K indirect costs %K total costs. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-74182009000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en