%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci¨®n microbiol¨®gica de la desinfecci¨®n en unidades odontol¨®gicas (estudio piloto) %A Guti¨¦rrez C %A Sonia J %A Duss¨¢n %A Diana C %A Leal B %A Silvia C %A S¨¢nchez G %A Adriana %J Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Qu¨ªmico - Farmac¨¦uticas %D 2008 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the present research evaluated the action of three disinfectants (glutaraldehyde, sodium hypochlorite and benzalconic chloride) in front of susceptible surfaces with more bacterial contamination in dental units of continuous use, comparing the bacterial population before and after the disinfection, of interest in health publishes in the area of dentistry. three surfaces were selected (it squirts triple, front of the seat, spittoon) by means of questionnaires to the personnel of the clinical dentistry of the university antonio nari£¿o south headquarters. the microorganisms found were similar for all dental units, with prevalence of gram negative not fermentadors in greater proportion, followed by fermentadors, gram positive and sporulade. there was the largest removal of microorganisms by the protocol of disinfection with glutaraldehyde to 2%, followed by sodium hipochloride to 0.5% and benzalconic chloride to 1%. %K bacterial contamination %K disinfectants %K dental surgeries. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-74182008000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en