%0 Journal Article %T DETERMINACI¨®N DE ALGUNOS METABOLITOS SECUNDARIOS EN TRES MORFOTIPOS DE COCONA (Solanum sessiliflorum Dunal) %A Cardona J %A Juliana E. C %A Cuca S %A Luis E %A Barrera G %A Jaime A %J Revista Colombiana de Qu¨ªmica %D 2011 %I Universidad Nacional de Colombia %X presence and structure (by using spectroscopic and chromatographic) of some secondary metabolites in three cocona morphotypes (solanum sessiliflorum dunal, solanaceae) grown in the guaviare department were established. they contain p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxidihidrocumaric acid, naringenin, methyl salicylate, fatty acids and their methyl and ethyl esters. some of these compounds are accumulated only in the fruit exocarp. comparison of volatile metabolites allowed to establish chemical differences between the three fruit morphotypes. %K solanum sessiliforum %K solanaceae %K amazonian fruits. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-28042011000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en