%0 Journal Article %T Delirios de embarazo y pseudociesis: una breve aproximaci¨®n %A Cruzado-D¨ªaz %A Lizardo %A Herrera-L¨®pez %A Vanessa %A Perales-Salazar %A Mileny %J Revista Colombiana de Psiquiatr¨ªa %D 2012 %I Asociacion Colombiana de Psiquiatria %X introduction: pregnancy delusions have usually been considered as symptoms of psychotic disorders in opposition to the hysterical and psychosomatic nature of pseudocyesis, though several authors have described some semiologic intersection between the two phenomena. method: introduction of four cases of patients with pregnancy delusions as well as review and discussion of relevant bibliography. results: in fact, there are symptoms shared by pregnancy delusions psychosis and pseudocyesis, without detriment of nosological differentiation between the two phenomena. there is certain confusion regarding conceptual and terminological issues that does not contribute to mark precise boundaries. conclusion: a comprehensive and holistic approach for the study of pseudocyesis and pregnancy delusion is proposed. maybe, these disorders are more frequently observed in latin america. %K delusions %K pregnancy %K pseudopregnancy %K psychotic disorders %K somatoform disorders. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-74502012000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en