%0 Journal Article %T S¨ªndrome de Stevens-Johnson y sida. Conducci¨®n anest¨¦sica en una paciente obst¨¦trica %A Llanos Palmira %A Lisette Elena %A Fonseca Le¨®n %A Alejandro %A Paneque Pocio %A Mar¨ªa Elena %A Gualy Cuchimba %A Diego Armando %J Revista Cubana de Anestesiolog£¿-a y Reanimaci£¿3n %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X introduction: the stevens-johnson syndrome has a severe evolution sometimes fatal. it is considered as a variety of the multiform erythema in its form cutaneous-mucosa ampulla. its onset is sudden. clinical case: this is the case of a black female patient aged 35 admitted in the "ana betancourt de mora" gynecology and obstetrics hospital of camag¨¹ey province, admission carried out according to the protocol of the institution. she was diagnosed with stevens -johnson syndrome as a severe variant of one month of evolution and infection by human immunodeficiency virus (hiv) and a term pregnancy of 39,2 weeks starting in labor with suitable fetal wellbeing tests, programmed for an urgent cesarean section. the anesthesia conduction of patients with stevens-johnson syndrome is generally difficult and more even when it is associated with hiv infection in a pregnant woman. the peridural regional anesthesia method was choosen. conclusions: the anatomical distinctive features of the potentially difficult airway are detailed, as well as the intraoperative and postoperative evolution. in presence of a pregnant patient with these entities the anesthesia cares are nowadays a challenge for anesthesiologists. %K stevens-johnson syndrome %K acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1726-67182012000200010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en