%0 Journal Article %T Morbimortalidad Maternofetal en Embarazos de Mujeres Mayores de 35 A£¿os %A Bustillos-Villavicencio %A Joaqu¨ªn %A Giacomin-Carmiol %A Loretta %J Revista Costarricense de Ciencias M¨¦dicas %D 2004 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X pregnancy in women 35 years and older is of special interest due to the increased maternal and fetal complications. because of this and the rising incidence of delayed pregnancies, it£¿s considered important to study the impact of the principal risk factors associated to this group. the present study is observational and retrospective. we analyzed 376 women of 35 years and older who were admitted to the obstetrics service in the max peralta hospital in the period between july 2001 and june 2002. for this purpose information was gathered directly from the personal file using a designed recollection sheet and the most important variables were analyzed comparing them with the incidence of the general population. 56.1% of patients were 36 to 40 years old. 88.2% had at least 2 previous deliveries. approximately 84% of pregnant women had a full term pregnancy and 46.8% of all patients had complications, been the most common the prom (7.9%), pregnancy induced hypertension (7.7%), chronic hypertension with superimposed pregnancy induced hypertension (5%) and fetal distress (3.2%). the cesarean sections represented a 28% of deliveries, being the most frequent indication having a previous c-section (7.2%). the most important complications of delivery where hemorrhage (12.2%) and vaginal tears (11.4%). 8 fetal deaths were found during the study. from all this, it£¿s deducted that pregnancy in old women is associated with increased maternal complications %K pregnancy old women. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0253-29482004000100007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en