%0 Journal Article %T Marcapasos cardiacos. Estimulaci¨®n desde el ventr¨ªculo derecho: Beneficios y perjuicios a la luz de la experiencia actual %A Garillo %A Ra¨²l %A Moreno Alvarez %A Maricruz %J Revista Costarricense de Cardiolog¨ªa %D 2011 %I Asociaci¨®n Costarricense de Cardiolog¨ªa %X cardiac pacemakers and right ventricle apical stimulation: benefits and prejudices according to current experience a review of the disadvantages of apical right ventricular stimulation is presented. clinical experience has confirmed that in the presence of left ventricle contractile dysfunction, such a mode of right ventricular stimulation is deleterious. as a result, the pacemaker industry has developed algorithms that promote spontaneous myocardial activation or permanent biventricular stimulation. %K pacemaker %K apical stimulation %K cardiac resinchronisation. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1409-41422011000100004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en