%0 Journal Article %T Esperanza de vida saludable asociada a la diabetes en Cuba: a£¿os 1990 y 2003 %A Dom¨ªnguez Alonso %A Emma %A Seuc Jo %A Armando %A D¨ªaz D¨ªaz %A Oscar %A Aldana Padilla %A Deysi %J Revista Cubana de Endocrinolog£¿-a %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X objective: to identify the possible differences in integral burden (combining mortality and morbidity) of diabetes among the age groups, provinces, sexes, as well as to assesses its behavior in the time (years 1990 and 2003). methods: authors used a healthy life expectancy indicator, particularly, an alternative considering the mortality and the morbidity as specific diseases (in this case, diabetes). to estimate the indicator we achieved a common life expectancy (no-adjusted) from a life table, considering only the diabetes mortality. the life expectancy thus obtained was adjusted from morbidity (prevalence and severity) due this condition. we estimated the indicator by sex, age groups, and provinces and also for 1990 and 2003. a cluster analysis was made to resume and to integrate the results by provinces. results: most of results are consistent for cuba and almost as the whole of provinces for both years. there was a higher affectation of female sex (e.g.: cuba, 2003, group aged under one, healthy life expectancy of 99,17 in men versus 98.67 in women), increase of mortality contribution with the age achieving the higher figures in 60-64 age group. the course of 1990 to 2003 is rising for life expectancy and mortality contribution and descending for a healthy life expectancy (e.g. cuba: women aged under one from 99.59 to 99.76; from 0.7 to 1.09 %, and from 98.89 to 98.76, respectively). we identified provinces with a higher impact in terms of healthy life expectancy including: ciudad de la habana, la habana, matanzas (in 1990) and camaguey (in 2003). conclusions: affectation due to diabetes in terms of a healthy life expectancy increased during national study period, despite the decrease of mortality contribution. %K diabetes mellitus %K mortality %K morbidity %K life expectancy %K healthy life expectancy %K summary measure of population health. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1561-29532010000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en