%0 Journal Article %T Divert¨ªculo epifr¨¦nico %A Vall¨¦s Gamboa %A Moraima Emilia %A Exp¨®sito Reyes %A Orlando Rafael %A Gaetano Ferreiro %A Carlos %A Rey Vall¨¦s %A Yaima Susana %J Revista Cubana de Cirug£¿-a %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X the epinephrine diverticulum due to the increase of intraesophageal pressure by underlying motor alterations is a rare entity; it accounts for around the 10% of all esophageal diverticula. this is the case of a female patient aged 65 admitted in the general surgery service presenting with obstructive jaundice by chronic pancreatitis. a triple catell's bypass was carried out and during the postoperative course had vomiting containing non-digested fetid foods, ingested many hours or days ago. barium radiography of esophagus, stomach and duodenum was obtained with a good contrast passage, verifying the presence of a very large epinephrine diverticulum causing the symptoms. she was operated on using as approach route a previous middle incision and trans-hiatal route. a vagotomy, diverticulectomy, extended esophageal myotomy, anti-reflux procedure and temporary jejunostomy for the early feeding. course was favorable and patient remains asymptomatic. %K epinephrine diverticulum %K esophageal motor disorder. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-74932011000200011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en