%0 Journal Article %T Valor educativo y generalizaci¨®n del grupo "Alas por la vida" %A Cantero Ronquillo %A Alexis Hugo %A Mederos Curbelo %A Orestes Noel %A Romero D¨ªaz %A Carlos %A Barrera Ortega %A Juan Carlos %A G¨®mez Cabrera %A Erasmo Pablo %A Garc¨ªa Sierra %A Juan Carlos %A Peralta Jim¨¦nez %A Ana %A Bernot Casas %A Reynaldo %A Mi£¿oso Andina %A Julio %J Revista Cubana de Cirug£¿-a %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X in the treatment of beast cancer besides the surgical aggression occasionally mutilating followed or precedes by the molecules inherent to specific oncologic treatments, sometimes the "wounds" persist that although invisibles, not always are totally closed involving for much time or for life to a significant group of patients and close relatives.the project "alas por la vida" proposes new alternatives in the treatment of a woman presenting with breast cancer that may to prepare them for a new stage and to live the chronic diseased status without reflecting disability in the performance of its activities, to achieve the recovery of its bio-psychosocial balance and consequently the enjoyment of an appropriate quality of life. by means of exchanges among survivors of this disease, relatives and professionals, scientific talks, questions and answers sessions, reflections of the operated on patients and their husbands in its fight against the breast cancer, as well as with sociocultural activities, etc, results have been obtained to that end.the "alas por la vida" support group of women underwent mastectomy has been a very useful tool to rise the self-esteem and to improve the quality of life of the survivors strengthening and humanizing our fight against the breast cancer and more and more followers of this noble cause, thus, authors recommended the organization of projects similar in all the provinces of our country. %K breast cancer %K support group %K mastectomies. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-74932012000100015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en