%0 Journal Article %T ¨ªndice cintura-cadera contra per¨ªmetro cintura para el diagn¨®stico del s¨ªndrome metab¨®lico en ni£¿os y adolescentes con familiares de primer grado diab¨¦ticos tipo 1 %A Cabrera-Rode %A Eduardo %A Bioti Torres %A Yadenys %A Marichal Madrazo %A Sigrid %A Parl¨¢ Sardi£¿as %A Judith %A Arranz Calzado %A Celeste %A Olano Justiniani %A Raysa %A Gonz¨¢lez Fern¨¢ndez %A Pedro %A Vera Gonz¨¢lez %A Manuel %J Revista Cubana de Endocrinolog£¿-a %D 2011 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X objective: to compare the measurements of waist circumference and waist-hip circumference to determine the frequency of metabolic syndrome in first degree relatives of persons with type 1diabetes, using different pediatric definitions. methods: two hundred twenty four first degree relatives of persons with type 1 diabetes were studied in ages from 4 to 10 years. weight, height, waist-hip circumference, blood pressure, glycemia, triglycerides and hdl-cholesterol were determined. the definitions of metabolic syndrome according to cook, ford, international federation of diabetes and the cuban consensus were applied. a variant of cuban consensus was performed using: body mass index and waist-hip index according the cuban tables, values of glucose 3 5,6 mmol/l and blood pressure 3 90 percentile (cuban tables). in an independent way, criteria of hdl-cholesterol and triglycerides were taken into account. the waist-hip index of cuban tables, the waist circumference suggested by the latin-american and european association of diabetes for study definitions were applied. for comparison of frequencies of metabolic syndrome the fisher exact test was used. results: the frequency of metabolic syndrome with application of cuban consensus variant was of 9,37 % (21/224). comparing the above variant with the definitions of cook, ford and of the international federation of diabetes (using the waist circumference of the latin-american association of diabetes, there was a significant difference between cook and the international federation of diabetes (4,01 %, p= 0,0360; 1,33 %, p= 0,0002, respectively). comparing the presence of metabolic syndrome of the cuban consensus variant with cook (8,48 %; 19/224) and ford (8,93 %; 20/224) taking into account the waist-hip index of the cuban tables, it is possible to detect similar frequencies of first degree relatives of persons with type 1 diabetes with metabolic syndrome. on the other hand, we found significant differences comparing the freque %K metabolic syndrome %K children and adolescents %K first-degree relatives of persons with type 1 diabetes %K waist-hip index %K waist circumference. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1561-29532011000300002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en