%0 Journal Article %T Comparaci¨Žn entre dos biomodelos murinos (ratones Balb/c y ratas Sprague Dawley) en el ensayo de micron¨˛cleos transplacentarios %A Arencibia Arrebola %A Daniel Francisco %A Rosario Fern¨˘ndez %A Luis Alfredo %A Su¨˘rez Fern¨˘ndez %A Yolanda Emilia %A Delgado Roche %A Livan %J Revista Cubana de Farmacia %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X objectives: to compare fetuses from balb/c mice and sprague dawley rats as biomodels in transplacental micronuclei assay and to determine the spontaneous and induced frequency to link the genotoxic and reproductive effect. methods: three experimental groups by species were formed: a negative control (simulation), nacl (0.9 %) solvent control and 50 mg/kg cyclophosphamide. all the groups were intraperitoneally administered at 14th, 15th and 16th days of gestation, and 24 h after the last inoculation in mice and 48 h in rats, it proceeded to perform euthanasia in the pregnant animals to obtain the fetal liver samples. results: the fetuses from sprague dawley exhibited smaller cytotoxicity and genotoxicity indexes, and the lowest endogenous micronucleus results. the best results of the cytotoxicity and genotoxicity induction for the high micronucleus formation with cyclophosphamide were found in sprague dawley rat fetuses, being more susceptible to the genotoxic damage by this mutagen. the clastogenic transplacental power of cyclophosphamide was confirmed whereas this genotoxicity assay was linked to reproduction toxicology. conclusions: these results suggest that the sprague dawley rats fetuses could be better used as biomodels in this assay when cyclophosphamide is employed as positive control through the way of administration and the studied dosage. it could be similarly used in the evaluation of new antigenotoxic drugs with antigenotoxic effect through transplacental administration %K transplacental micronucleus %K balb/c mice %K sprague dawley rats %K genotoxicity. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0034-75152012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en