%0 Journal Article %T Diagn¨®stico y tratamiento de la angina inestable aguda e infarto mioc¨¢rdico sin elevaci¨®n del segmento ST %A Sell¨¦n Crombet %A Joaqu¨ªn %A Sell¨¦n S¨¢nchen %A Elizabeth %A Barroso Pacheco %A Lourdes %A Sell¨¦n S¨¢nchez %A Sybert %J Revista Cubana de Investigaciones Biom£¿£¿dicas %D 2010 %I ECIMED %X the acute unstable angina and the myocardial infarction without st segment rise are two major affections of acute coronary syndrome. its frequency is increases with the novel and fast therapeutical procedures improving the coronary patient survival. present research shows the more current classifications, the pathophysiology, the causes and its pathogenic mechanisms, the findings according the coronarygraphy and the risk categories according to the clinical, enzymatic and electrocardiographic elements whose markers contributing to diagnosis and prognosis of both diseases. the differential diagnoses, the medical behavior and the therapeutical armamentarium available in the different stages of the acute unstable angina, of infarction, of refractory angina and or the prinzmetal. finally, an algorithm summarizing the treatment of the acute coronary syndrome without st segment rise is presented. %K unstable angina %K acute myocardial infarction (ami) without st rise %K acute coronary syndrome (acs) %K non-q ami %K treatment %K coronarygraphy. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-03002010000200010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en