%0 Journal Article %T Alteraciones de la prote¨ªna C reactiva en los lesionados y su correlaci¨®n con el TRISS %A Rodr¨ªguez Navarro %A Darismel %A Rodr¨ªguez Acosta %A Mireida %A Alfonso Alfonso %A L¨¢zaro Emerio %A Quintana Ruiz %A Mireidys %A Catellanos Puerto %A Edelis %A Garc¨¦s Su¨¢rez %A Yasel %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X introduction: the trauma provokes immunity which if are not corrected, leads to complications and death. objective: to assess the "trauma injury severity score" predictive index (triss) as a predictor of status of the reactive c protein and as part of the immune response to trauma. methods: an analytical and prospective study was conducted in 55 injured, admitted in the "dr. luis d¨ªaz soto" central military hospital between 2005 and 2008. immunologic tests were made. immunological variables, the survival-triss probability, complications and the status at discharge were the more important. results: insofar as the survival probability decreases according triss, the serum values of the reactive c protein increased. immunological alterations were more intensive in the deceased ones and in those with a poor prognosis. the great immunity alterations occurred over the first week. conclusions: the immunity alterations and within them, those related to acute phase protein, the reactive c protein increase insofar as the survival probability decrease confirming the predictor value of triss in the integral assessment of injured patients. %K multiple trauma %K wounds and injuries [complications] %K cellular and humoral immunity. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0138-65572012000100006&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en