%0 Journal Article %T Valor del tercer componente del sistema de complemento en la evoluci¨®n del paciente politraumatizado %A Rodr¨ªguez Acosta %A Mireida %A Sin Mayor %A Adriana %A Castellanos Puerto %A Edelis %A D¨ªaz G¨¢lvez %A Marisol %A Rodr¨ªguez Navarro %A Darismel %A Alfonso Alfonso %A L¨¢zaro Emerio %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X introduction: the complement system has a major function, the protection in face of microorganisms and it is one of the first defensive lines to aggression from biological agents. the complicated injured patient has poor immune responses, associated with a decrease of the third complement component (c3), secondary to the severe trauma with a massive cellular deterioration, alterations of inflammatory process and modifications in the polymorphonuclear function generating an immuno-dysregulation leading to multi-organ failure, sepsis and mortal complications. objective: to assess the behavior of c3 serum concentrations in the course of poly-trauma patient. methods: an analytical and prospective study was conducted in 55 poly-trauma patient admitted in the intensive care unit (icu) and in the surgical special care units of the "dr. luis d¨ªaz soto" central military hospital and previous fulfilment of inclusion criteria and according to the ethical considerations established for this type of research. the survival probability (sp) of sample was determined and analyzing kinetically the c3 behavior and its relation to sp. results: the relation between sp by groups and c3 concentrations, showed a decrease of this component insofar as sp decreased even from the first day of measurement of variable. this fact gain more significance in the group of patients with sp¡ê 78 % (0.6 g/l) and in the group with a sp between 79 and 91 % (0.7 g/l). conclusions: the c3 levels were committed in study patients from the firs 24 hours after trauma and it was more obvious in those with a sp minor, demonstrating the directly proportional relation between the decrease of this complement component, the severity of injuries and the development of fatal infectious complications. %K third complement component %K trauma %K and humoral immunodeficiency. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0138-65572012000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en