%0 Journal Article %T Morfolog¨ªa de las autopsias con traumatismos %A Montero Gonz¨¢lez %A Teresita %A de Mendoza Amat %A Jos¨¦ Hurtado %A Salas %A Ver¨®nica Walwyn %A Iglesias Duquesne %A Magaly Mirian %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X introduction: the trauma is a health problem. at the "dr. luis d¨ªaz soto" central military hospital (cmh) authors study the morphologic expression of trauma, organ multiple damage (omd). objective: to characterize the trauma morphology in the necropsies performed in the cmh over 49 years. methods: the database of necropsies between 1962-2010 was reviewed. two hundred twenty four cases presenting with trauma were studied and two periods were analyzed: with legal medical activity (1962-1995) and with a few legal activity (1996-2010). the following variables were compared: sex, age group, discharge specialty, sepsis, cancer, omd and causes of death. a percentage and of trend analysis was carried out. results: during the first period 493 necropsies, women mean aged 53 and men mean aged 39, with a relation m:w of 1.52. the more frequent discharge specialties were; burn service, emergency room and therapy and the major causes were: burns and multiple trauma. during the second period 131 necropsies were studies, women mean aged 80 and men mean aged 74, with a relation m:w of 0.54. the discharge specialties were: intermediate cares and medicine and the causes were: hip fractures and atherosclerosis. sepsis and cancer were highest in this group. the omd was high during both periods. conclusions: the study necropsies express particular morphologic alterations like omd, with similarity in both periods due to the high presence of this phenomenon; allowing parallel studies with traumata. %K trauma %K necropsies %K organ multiple damage. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0138-65572012000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en