%0 Journal Article %T Evaluaci¨®n de la eficacia del nutrial II como nutrici¨®n enteral suplementaria preoperatoria en lesionados complejos %A Rittoles Navarro %A Aliusha %A Hern¨¢ndez Pedroso %A Wilfredo %A Fr¨ªas M¨¦ndez %A Eloy %A Noda Sardi£¿as %A Constantino %J Revista Cubana de Medicina Militar %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X objective: to assess the effectiveness of nutrial ii as supplementary enteral nutrition in the postoperative stage of complicated injured patient. methods: a randomized, prospective, longitudinal and experimental study was conducted in complicated injured patients admitted in the surgical intermediate care unit of the "dr. luis d¨ªaz soto" central military hospital from january 1, 2006 to january 1, 2009. two groups were created and it was possible to study 100 patients. both groups received the established free diet and to group 2 a cuban product called nutrial ii was added. results: the group 2 had the nutritional supplement and in the postoperative stage showed a rise up to 82 % of patients with a good nutritional status. it was evidenced a shorter hospital stay in the group consumed the nutritional supplement. the injured ones of the group 2 had less postoperative stay; in this group authors achieved that patients went to surgery with a loss of nitrogen near of limit values of the normality like the albumin and cholesterol, and only the 20 % of patients from the group with oral supplement had some type of complication. conclusions: the variables measuring the nutritional status of the complicated injured remained within the acceptable limits for a short term surgical intervention in the group with nutrial ii. there was a reduction in the number of postoperative infectious complications in the injured group under nourishment, which is considered as useful to decrease the morbility. %K global subjective assessment %K enteral nutrition %K complicated injured %K malnutrition and preoperative stage. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0138-65572012000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en