%0 Journal Article %T Abordaje combinado en columna toracolumbar para los tumores %A Sosa Carrasco %A Madel¨ªn %A Rodr¨ªguez Albaladejo %A Ricardo A %A Candebat Rubio %A Ra¨²l %A Mauri P¨¦rez %A Orestes %A Rajadel Alzuri %A Rodrigo %A Candebat Candebat %A Ra¨²l Rodulfo %J Revista Cubana de Ortopedia y Traumatolog£¿-a %D 2012 %I Editorial Ciencias M¨¦dicas %X introduction: the progress of imaging, the survival of oncology patient and the development of short instrumentations increased the interest by the use of combined approaches. objective: to expose the experience of the orthopedics service of "hermanos ameijeiras" clinical surgical hospital in the combined approach of thoracolumbar spine. description: authors present 5 cases presenting with tumoral processes of thoracolumbar segment using a combined approach, operated on above mentioned service from february, 2007 to may, 2011. following variables were included: age, sex, and type of tumor. pain was assessed (denis) and the preoperative and postoperative neurologic status (frankel), as well as the complications. results: in patients aged under 50 there was predominance of female sex and of primary tumors: in preoperative period 4 patients had a c frankel and in all of them it was possible to move to e. as regards the denis pain between 3 and 4 moving to 0 and 1. complications included graft luxation with a deep sepsis, as well as two dural sac tears. conclusions: the combined approach is an advantageous and recommendable option for surgical treatment in spinal tumors. %K spinal tumors %K anterior approach %K combined approach. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0864-215X2012000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en