%0 Journal Article %T Efectos antimicrobianos de extractos de plantas chilenas de las familias Lauraceae y Atherospermataceae %A Avello Lorca %A Marcia %A L¨®pez Canales %A Carolina %A Gatica Valenzuela %A Carlos %A Bustos Concha %A Evelyn %A Brieva Chait %A Alejandra %A Pastene Navarrete %A Edgar %A Bittner Berner %A Magalis %J Revista Cubana de Plantas Medicinales %D 2012 %I ECIMED %X introduction: the antimicrobial activity has been reported for the essential oils of some species in the families lauraceae and atherospermataceae. the present study was conducted with three chilean species: cryptocarya alba looser (peumo) and persea lingue (ruiz & pav.) nees (lingue) from the family lauraceae, and laurelia sempervirens (ruiz & pav.) tul. (chilean laurel) from the family atherospermataceae. the morphological aspects and the popular uses of these species are the only known aspects. thorough studies of their chemical composition and biological activity are lacking. objective: to evaluate the activity of the essential oils against microorganisms and to provide information on the chemical composition of these species. methods: samples were collected in the b¨ªo-b¨ªo region and essential oils were obtained by steam distillation. chemical characterization was done using gc-ms. antimicrobial activity was evaluated against penicillium sp. and fusarium oxysporum through antifungal agar dilution and vapor diffusion assays. antibacterial tests against escherichia coli, bacillus subtilis, pseudomonas aeruginosa, and staphylococcus aureus, were carried out using agar disk and well diffusion assays. results: the results for the essential oils from the three species indicated selective activity against fungi and bacteria, suggesting that the different chemical features of these oils may play a role in their mechanisms of action. conclusions: further studies focusing efforts on developing products to control microorganisms that cause economic losses and affect human health. %K lauraceae %K atherospermataceae %K chilean species %K essential oils %K antifungal activity %K antibacterial activity. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1028-47962012000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en