%0 Journal Article %T Transtorno depressivo e fibromialgia: associa£¿£¿o com estresse de vida precoce. Relato de caso %A Nunes %A Sandra Odebrecht Vargas %A Nunes %A Luciana Vargas Alves %A Moraes %A Juliana Brum %A Uemura %A Vivian %J Revista Dor %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1806-00132012000300015 %X background and objectives: the association between depression, fibromyalgia and child abuse suggests that they divide the model of developmental traumatology. this study aimed at presenting a case of depressive disorder and fibromyalgia, associated to child abuse, as well as at discussing causes and consequences of both diagnoses. case report: female patient, 54 years old, with fibromyalgia and recurrent depressive disorder, current severe episode, without psychotic symptoms, with somatic symptoms for approximately six months. with history of negative childhood events with loss of affective relationship, problems related to alleged child abuse and frightening childhood experience. conclusion: early life stress may be the causal factor of painful symptoms in depression and fibromyalgia. %K child development %K depressive disorder %K fibromyalgia. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1806-00132012000300015&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en