%0 Journal Article %T Perfil s¨®cio-demogr¨¢fico e cl¨ªnico de uma coorte de pacientes encaminhados a uma Clinica de Dor %A Forni %A Jos¨¦ Eduardo %A Martins %A Marielza Regina Ismael %A Rocha %A Carlos Eduardo Dall'Aglio %A Foss %A Marcos H. D. %A Dias %A Lilian Chessa %A Santos Junior %A Randolfo dos %A Detoni %A Michele %A Cunha %A Ana M¨¢rcia Rodrigues da %A Silva Junior %A Sebasti£¿o Carlos da %J Revista Dor %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.1590/S1806-00132012000200010 %X background and objectives: there is little information in brazil about the profile of pain clinic users and the impact of this demand on health services. this study aimed at identifying the profile of patients referred to a pain clinic using socio-demographic and clinical variables obtained by specific screening, correlating such variables to pain duration and intensity. method: this is a cohort descriptive, transversal and exploratory study with 128 individuals seen by an outpatient setting specialized in pain management. independent variables included age, gender, marital status, labor status, education, religiousness, ethnicity, clinic referring patients, original diagnosis, pain clinic diagnosis, pain duration and type. evaluation tools were an electronic card and the physical evaluation performed by a pain specialist. data were collected at first visit before the interaction with any health care provider. results: pain was more prevalent among females (58.5%), married (66.4%), inactive (62.5%) and in those with mean school attendance of 6.8 ¡À 3.5 years. most have religious beliefs (93.7%). mean pain duration was 32.6 ¡À 21.9 months. there has been positive correlation between pain intensity and longer duration among females and educational level lower than 5 years. (p < 0.05). conclusion: chronic pain patients previously under the care of a different specialty and referred to a pain clinic supply data which may contribute to control pain with more effective therapeutic approaches, by the interaction of the knowledge of different professionals. %K chronic pain %K pain measurement %K pain treatment. %U http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1806-00132012000200010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en