%0 Journal Article %T Estado nutricional de un grupo de gestantes y su relaci¨®n con indicadores socioecon¨®micos y de ingesta diet¨¦tica. Antioquia, Colombia %A Mancilla L %A Lorena P %A Restrepo M %A Sandra L %A Estrada R %A Alejandro %A Manjarr¨¦s C %A Luz M %A Parra S %A Beatriz E %J Revista Facultad Nacional de Salud P¨²blica %D 2011 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X objective: to link the bmi of subjects in the last three-month period of pregnancy with socioeconomic variables and dietary intake. methodology: a longitudinal, prospective and descriptive study with a follow up on the cohort before and after the dietary and nutritional intervention. the group was a sample of 80 volunteers. in the first three-month period of their pregnancy, a socioeconomic survey was carried out. during each threemonth period, a 24-hour dietary recall was applied; their bmi was evaluated, and the arm circumference of each volunteer was measured. results: of the 42 mothers who achieved a weight gain correspondent to their pre-gestational bmi, 31 had an adequate bmi at the end of the pregnancy period. age appeared to be significantly related to nutritional status; and the increase of energy and carbohydrate intake in the third threemonth period was significant in both deficient mothers and in those with an adequate body weight. conclusion: statistical association was found between age and bmi at the end of the pregnancy period. as for the first three-month period, pregnant women with low and appropriate bmi had their energy and carbohydrates intake increased. %K gestation %K nutritional status %K socioeconomic variables %K dietary habits. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0120-386X2011000300003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en