%0 Journal Article %T Una revisi¨®n de la literatura sobre la relaci¨®n causal entre los factores oclusales (FO) y los des¨®rdenes temporomandibulares (DTM) V: efecto de los cambios en los factores oclusales conseguidos con el tratamiento de ortodoncia %A Acosta Ortiz %A Rodolfo %A Rojas Sarria %A Blanca Patricia %J Revista Facultad de Odontolog¨ªa Universidad de Antioquia %D 2011 %I Universidad de Antioquia %X introduction: this is the fifth of this series of articles whose purpose is to present a literature review regarding the causal relationship between occlusal factors (of) and temporomandibular disorders (tmd). methods: 30 bicon£¿ this article presents and analyzes epidemiological reports (cross-sectional and analytical) in which the relationship between orthodontic treatment (ot) and tmd was studied. results: most of the reports (70%) did not support any association between the ot and the development of tmd. conclusion: even though the general tendency was to present an absence of association between the ot and tmd among the different reports, perhaps in the future, an improvement in the research design will permit to obtain more concrete results that can help us arrive to a solid interpretation about the relationship between ot and tmd. other factors, such as genetics, may play a role as confounding variables and should be studied and considered in the etiology, prevention and/or management of tmd. beyond of the possible relationship between the ot and tmd, an important clinical recommendation is to carry out the appropriate screening for tmd in the patients who are going to receive an ot. %K occlusion %K temporomandibular disorders %K etiology %K occlusal factors %K temporomandibular joint %K orthodontic treatment. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-246X2011000100008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en