%0 Journal Article %T ACUMULACI車N DE CONOCIMIENTO, INNOVACI車N Y COMPETITIVIDAD EN AGLOMERACIONES EMPRESARIALES %A MORALES RUBIANO %A MAR赤A EUGENIA %A SANABRIA AGUIRRE %A SONIA ESPERANZA %A ARIAS CANTE %A MAYRA ALEJANDRA %J Revista Facultad de Ciencias Econ車micas: Investigaci車n y Reflexi車n %D 2010 %I Universidad Militar Nueva Granada %X this paper presents the results of the research made in the leather and footwear industry in bogot芍, describing knowledge accumulation, innovation and competitiveness dynamics in enterprise concentration located at restrepo neighborhood. the literature review of regional countries and developed countries showed how the information obtained in interviews to agglomeration association representatives and surveys made to a group of entrepreneurs, findings suggest that contrary to traditional beliefs, agglomerations do not have the quality of being a mature cluster. this is explained because there are different factors that influence collective efficiency and affect knowledge accumulation, innovation and competitiveness dynamics of concentration of the studied companies. such factors are associated especially to entrepreneur culture, economic activity characteristics and political, social, economic and institutional conditions of the environment. %K cluster %K competitiveness %K knowledge transference %K innovation. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-68052010000200003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en