%0 Journal Article %T Hipertensi¨®n arterial en la adultez temprana, implicaciones de la prehipertensi¨®n en la adolescencia para su desarrollo %A Canciano Chirino %A Ernesto %A Silva V¨¢squez %A Nancy %A Le¨®n L¨®pez %A Elio %J Revista Habanera de Ciencias M£¿£¿dicas %D 2012 %I Ministerio de Salud Publica %X introduction:the antecedent of arterial prehypertension in hypertensive young people are considered as a possible vascular risk factor. objectives: to compare hypertensive young adults who had prehypertension in adolescence with other group of hypertensive people without any kind of antecedents at san antonio de los ba£¿os, havana in the period 2003-2008 taking into consideration the following: tensional levels/carotida intimamedia thickness (imtc), left ventricular hypertrophy (hiv), overweight, retinopathy grade levels and needs of antihypertensive drugs for ages. patients and methods: it was carried out a study cases and controls of 90 prehypertensive patients (group a) being compared to 90 not prehypertensive patients (group b). results: the larger part of patients with imtc belonged to group a playing hypertension a decisive factor. overweight prevailed in group a with a 57,7 % where hiv reached a 58,8 %. concerning retinopathy affections there was also a prevalence in group a with 70% of the patients. of this group there was a 46,6% of patients who needed more than one drug to control hypertension being a 35,5% under 25 years old. conclusions: the presence of arterial hypertension in adolescence marks earlier the prognosis, evolution and therapeutic answer in hypertensive young adulthood and they are a future marker for risk of illnesses. %K prehypertension %K adolescence %K arterial hypertension. %U http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1729-519X2012000200011&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en