%0 Journal Article %T Atenci¨®n materna en un ambiente de mercado de servicios de salud, Medell¨ªn-Colombia, 2008-2009 %A Molina-Mar¨ªn %A Gloria %A Vargas-Pe£¿a %A Gilma Stella %A Shaw %A Alina %J Revista Gerencia y Pol¨ªticas de Salud %D 2010 %I Pontificia Universidad Javeriana %X objective: to analyze accessibility to maternity care services in the city of medellin, within the context of the colombian social security system for health. metho dology: a qualitative approach was used; 23 in-depth interviews were conducted to medical doctors and nurses who provide health care to mothers and/or manage health institutions. also, three focus groups with mothers were carried out. a coding and categorizing process was used to analyze information following grounded theory process. findings: in spite of the fact that maternal-child care is a priority issue, mothers experiment difficulties to access to health services, given by the insurance system, fragmentation of services in contracting out process between insurer and hospitals -linked with competence based on lower prices- and the dominant status of private health insurers. %K accessibility %K health services %K health sector reform %K privatization %K public health %K public health %K health services %K medell¨ªn %K colombia %K 2008-2009 %K health care reform. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1657-70272010000200008&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en