%0 Journal Article %T Detecci車n de riesgos de contaminaci車n con microbios ambientales en un sistema de ordeˋo mec芍nico de un hato lechero del norte de Antioquia %A Ram車n Est谷vez %A Josu谷 Nicol芍s %A Restrepo Botero %A Juan Esteban %A Ruiz-Cort谷s %A Z. Tatiana %A Olivera 芍ngel %A Martha %J Revista Lasallista de Investigaci車n %D 2011 %I Corporaci車n Universitaria Lasallista %X introduction. to characterize the way milk is produced in a farm and study the factors that affect its quality. objectives. know, identify and characterize the critical points in which microbial contamination can take place in a mechanic milking system located in the north of antioquia. materials and methods. departing from a repetitive observation to the milking routine a flowchart was made, identifying three moments of the routine: the pre-milking, the milking and the post-milking. by this observation it was determined that the most possible places for contamination were the routine of washing or the contact with the milker's gloves. samples were taken and cultivated in 3m petrifilmˋ and bactoscanˋ plates for the milk samples and for the water samples the plate count for mesophiles was used. result. the results showed that a cleaning and disinfection routine for the milking machine is corr>ect, but cleaning and disinfection of the nipples must be improved because they contaminate the milking cup and this, consequently, contaminate the measurers. finally, the bacteria will fall into the cold tank. discussion. cfu in tank, at this farm, have a media of 218.40b㊣ 74,00, it means they are above the bonus ranks according to the 000012 resolution of january 12th, 2007. %K colony forming units (cfu) %K mesophiles %K mechanic milking routine. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1794-44492011000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en