%0 Journal Article %T O outro lado da implementa£¿£¿o do LMD em Fran£¿a: um novo quadro para pensar as pol¨ªticas de educa£¿£¿o e de forma£¿£¿o %A Derouet %A Jean-Louis %J Revista Lus¨®fona de Educa£¿£¿o %D 2009 %I Edi??es Universit¨¢rias Lus¨®fonas %X the purpose of this paper is to go beyond the apparently smooth implementation of the bachelor£¿s, master, and doctorate degree structure in france. the author suggests that universities are framed by minority yet important networks - grandes ¨¦coles and non-academic higher education. what is essential may be a series of changes that adapt higher education to the new spirit of capitalism - a networked organisation, a project-based social philosophy, etc. these transformations are not directly related to this degree structure but take root in this new context to make progress. the benefits. of the lengthening of the study period leave some skeptical. a new conception of justice encouraging lifelong training is emerging. the administrative measures taken in the name of accountability contribute to setting up a government based on european quality standards. finally the substitution of an international framework of reference for a national model changes how elites are trained. what counts now is less the reproduction of an academic culture than the early inclusion in international networks. %K university %K bologna process %K democratisation %K education of elites %K globalisation %K quality. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1645-72502009000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en