%0 Journal Article %T PAPEL DE LAS ADAPTACIONES EPIGEN£¿£¿TICAS EN EL RIESGO DE ENFERMEDADES CARDIOVASCULARES EN LA POBLACI£¿£¿N LATINOAMERICANA %A L£¿£¿PEZ-JARAMILLO %A PATRICIO %A COHEN %A DANIEL %A G£¿£¿MEZ-ARBEL£¿£¿EZ %A DIEGO %A CARLOS %A VELANDIA %A SOTOMAYOR-RUBIO %A AR£¿£¿STIDES %A RINC£¿£¿N-ROMERO %A KATHERINE %A VELANDIA %A CARLOS %J Revista Med %D 2011 %I Universidad Militar Nueva Granada %X cardio metabolic disorders (obesity, type-2 diabetes, myocardial infarction and stroke) are nowadays the most important health problem in colombia. the rapid process of urbanization experimented by the colombian population in the last 50 years, together with the changes in nutrition and physical activity associated to urbanization, has been related to an epigenetic adaptation in which the genes that regulate the mechanisms of insulin resistance and low degree inflammation have been over express. this mechanism is generating a high sensibility in our population to develop cardio metabolic disorders. the changes in physical activity and in nutrition behavior are especially important in school-age children. in this article we review the evidences that supports the proposal that an increase in physical activity in school-age children, mainly strength activities will develop, through epigenetic mechanisms, an increase in muscular mass and the development of biological substances in the muscles that have the ability to improve insulin sensibility; they also have anti-inflammatory effects. these actions of the increased muscular mass will improve insulin resistance and low degree inflammation produced by abdominal obesity. %K physical activity %K epigenetics %K cardiovascular diseases %K diabetes mellitus %K obesity. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0121-52562011000100010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en