%0 Journal Article %T M¨ªdia e interven£¿£¿o psicossocial nas comunidades: em busca de novas possibilidades %A Costa %A Maria Aparecida Craveiro %A Silva %A Ana Paula T¨¢vora da %A Santos %A Carina Pessoa %J Revista Lus¨®fona de Educa£¿£¿o %D 2009 %I Edi??es Universit¨¢rias Lus¨®fonas %X the objective of this article is to reflect concerning the possibilities of use of the media as instrument of a psychosocial intervention, come back toward the development of the critical sense and autonomy in the communities. it has been broken of the estimated one of that the media can be used in the favor of the social transformations. for in such a way, the concept of psychosocial suffering and the characteristics of the world visions liberal, totalitarian and social-communitarian. being thus, the bad media is that one that alienates and paralyzes the citizens, when presenting the reality as something given and that, therefore, it cannot be transformed. however, it is proposal of this article to think the media in one another way, on the basis of the social-communitarian world vision, that allows to face it while factor of social release, making possible to the groups to be authors of its history and, therefore, to modify it. the construction of intervention through alternative media spaces is a good way to inside reach these objectives of the communities. %K psychosocial intervention %K media %K communities %K psychosocial suffering. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1645-72502009000200007&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en