%0 Journal Article %T Considera£¿£¿es sobre a educa£¿£¿o para a arte e para a cultura, ou ¡ä¡äcomo levar Clio ¨¤ escola`` %A Bahia %A Sara %J Revista Lus¨®fona de Educa£¿£¿o %D 2010 %I Edi??es Universit¨¢rias Lus¨®fonas %X art and culture are expressions of the inexorable pursuit of knowledge. however, not everyone profits from that search and regards knowledge as an artistic and cultural pleasure. maybe because today`s school transmits knowledge without aiming at its full internalization. perhaps because art and culture are no more than mere names which school refers to without producing in its students a personal transformation and an authentic experience. partly because we lost the metaphor of the muses, daughters of zeus and his mistress mnemosyne who united inspired poets, philosophers, teachers and students. bringing the muses back to school is synonymous of integrating, imagining, interpreting, questioning, inferring, investigating, knowing, thus opening avenues for autonomy, art and culture. the aim of this paper is to show theoretically and empirically grounded ways of bringing clio and her sisters muses back to school. it considers the state of the art of art education and the analysis of the opinions of 40 art history teachers about the need to develop an artistic look, and outlines four guiding principles for the promotion of inexorable pursuit of knowledge, which are the core of artistic and cultural expressions. %K art %K creativity %K culture %K art education %K history %K memory. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1645-72502010000200005&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en