%0 Journal Article %T Nem tudo o que conta em educa£¿£¿o ¨¦ mensur¨¢vel ou compar¨¢vel: Cr¨ªtica ¨¤ accountability baseada em testes estandardizados e rankings escolares %A Afonso %A Almerindo Janela %J Revista Lus¨®fona de Educa£¿£¿o %D 2009 %I Edi??es Universit¨¢rias Lus¨®fonas %X generally, the concept of accountability is polysemic and complex. however, i only intend to mention, in this paper, some aspects of a wider theoretical and conceptual contextualization. here, at first, the concept of accountability is associated to three interrelated dimensions: evaluation, to give account and £¿responsabilization£¿. secondly, some relationships between assessment and accountability are analysed having as pretext standardized tests, national exams, and rankings. finally, i conclude that accountability, based only in standardized tests and rankings of the schools, is an incomplete and reductive form of accountability, considering the complexity and plurality of the objectives, mandates and functions of school education. %K educational policies %K accountability %K standardized tests %K national examinations %K rankings. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1645-72502009000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en