%0 Journal Article %T Interfase-FISH en un paciente con leucemia mieloc¨ªtica cr¨®nica %A Venegas %A Patricia %J Revista M¨¦dica del Hospital Nacional de Ni£¿os Dr. Carlos S¨¢enz Herrera %D 2001 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X i-fish is a new elinical test to be set up and standardized in all clinical cytogenetics and onco-hematology cytogenetics laboratory. philadelphia positive in this cml patient show an important favourable prognostic marker and will be a reliable for monitoring this patient and for detection of the minimal residual disease. also is very important in cases when the initial diagnosis is inconclusive. %U http://www.scielo.sa.cr/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1017-85462001000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en