%0 Journal Article %T O caleidosc¨®pio da estrat¨¦gia: O papel das consultorias externas no strategizing de uma organiza£¿£¿o %A Walter %A Silvana %A Augusto %A Paulo %J Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gest£¿o %D 2011 %I Instituto para o Desenvolvimento da Gest?o Empresarial %X this study aims to investigate how consultants participate in the strategizing of an organization. the theoretical basis employed makes use of the strategy approach as practice and seeks to combine it with the institutional theory. to achieve this goal, a case study was performed in a brazilian bank, banco cnh capital, from the analysis of six programs involving consultancies. for data collection, were used semi-structured interviews, documental analysis and non-participant observation, and for the data analysis, it was done the content analysis and categorization, as proposed by straus and corbin (2008). referring to the context, it is detached that the research application moment coincided with the outbreak of the most recent global economic crisis, which exerted b influence on the researched organization. among the obtained results, it is detached the existing variation in the performance and responsibility degree of the consultancies, in promoting learning and in the customization degree. the results permitted to infer that the consultancies can actuate, depending on the program, as partners of the contracting organization, advisors or executors of the project. regarding the role of consultancies in strategizing, it was observed that they can act in the strategy legitimation, in the process aid and as isomorphic agents. %K external consultancies %K strategizing %K strategy as practice %K institutional theory %K banking organization. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1645-44642011000100010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en