%0 Journal Article %T A influ¨ºncia da satisfa£¿£¿o profissional no absentismo laboral %A Agapito %A Sandra Marreiros %A Sousa %A Fernando Cardoso de %J Revista Portuguesa de Sa¨²de P¨²blica %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X introduction: this study aims at providing evidence that the job satisfaction of a sample of administrative personnel and medical assistants, in a public health institution, differs according with the degree of perceived job absenteeism. material and methods: a questionnaire adapted from the professional satisfaction scale (lima, vala & monteiro, 1994), was administered to a sample of opportunity of 200 subjects (77 administrative personnel and 123 medical assistants). results: the analyses of the answers allowed to conclude that job satisfaction influenced absenteeism, and this influence was not detected in every aspect of professional satisfaction but only in those related with the factor fundamental satisfaction (only in relationships with colleagues), in the category of medical assistants; and in the factor material conditions, especially in promotion perspectives, in the category of administrative personnel. conclusions: the analyses revealed two different populations as to the factors which affected their feelings of satisfaction, in its relationship with absenteeism, suggesting, as recommendations, a particular attention to procedural and distributive justice to the job shift system in use, with the former, as well as to the connection between absenteeism and the degree of satisfaction with material aspects, in the later. %K job satisfaction %K job absenteeism. %U http://www.scielo.gpeari.mctes.pt/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0870-90252010000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en