%0 Journal Article %T M¨¦TODOS DE ENTRENAMIENTO DE RESISTENCIA Y FUERZA EMPLEADOS POR LOS ENTRENADORES PARA LOS IX JUEGOS SUDAMERICANOS, MEDELL¨ªN, COLOMBIA, 2010 %A Melo %A Luis %A Moreno %A Hilario %A Aguirre %A Haney %J Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgaci¨®n Cient¨ªfica %D 2012 %I Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales %X the study aimed to identify the training methods in physical strength and endurance used by coaches with their athletes in the south american games, medellin 2010, taking also into account characteristics such as education, sports experience and experience of the coaches. a descriptivequantitative cross-sectional study was realized. the intentional sample consisted of 93 technical (86 men and 7 women) from 13 countries in 28 different sports. it was found that 85.4% of technicians are university graduates and their highest technical experience was at the olympic level. the results obtained describe that the methods used for the development of resistance were an interval one (24.7%), repetitions (21.3%) and varied continuous (19.7%). for strength it was weightlifting with 65.7%. eight out of each ten coaches are professionals and have good international experience. therefore, it is concluded that there is no homogenization in using a particular method to develop strength and endurance. %K education and physical training %K sport %K sports interval %K sports training. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-42262012000300010&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en