%0 Journal Article %T POTENCIAL DE REUTILIZACI¨®N DEL EFLUENTE DE LA PLANTA DE TRATAMIENTO DE AGUAS RESIDUALES DE N¨¢TAGA EN CULTIVO DE CACAO (Theobroma cacao L.) %A Valencia %A Eduardo %A Alfredo Arag¨®n %A Renso %A Romero %A Jonathan %J Revista U.D.C.A Actualidad & Divulgaci¨®n Cient¨ªfica %D 2012 %I Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales %X the project consisted in the determination of the potential reuse of the effluent from the n¨¢taga municipality wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) for irrigation purpose in cocoa cultivations (theobroma cacao l.). the effluent is discharged to the "el pueblo" river, generating pollution problems and public health risks. by means of technological surveillance, the state of art was elaborated and the information, in order to characterize and evaluate the wwtp effluent, collected. the crops water balance and the potential benefits of reuse in irrigation of wastewater was calculated. the effluent from the wwtp belongs to the c2s1 class (ec = 0.54 ds m-1, sar = 1.5) with a medium risk of salinization and a low risk of alkalinization for water use in irrigation. the microbiological risk assessment is considered in category b (cf = 105 mpn/100 ml, hh = 21 hh/l), demanding an adequate irrigation management to minimize public health risks. the area of influence has a water deficit throughout the year and the effluent is a potential resource for the cultivation of cacao, providing an 223,720 m3 year-1 average of water, macronutrients n (7273 kg year-1), p (839 kg year-1) , k (2,797 kg year-1) and sludge (958 kg year-1 of dry matter). the average effluent for irrigation purpose in the dry season can be for 19ha and 27ha in the rainy season. it is recommended to irrigate cocoa cultures with the effluent from the wwtp, being careful with the effects on soil, plant and public health. %K wastewater %K water reuse %K irrigation %K cocoa. %U http://www.scielo.org.co/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0123-42262012000100009&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en