%0 Journal Article %T Determinaci車n del valor de corte de la relaci車n aldosterona/actividad de renina plasm芍tica para la detecci車n de hiperaldosteronismo primario en hipertensi車n arterial esencial: estudio multic谷ntrico %A Pardes %A E %A Belli %A S %A Cornal車 %A D %A Contreras %A L %A Costa %A L %A Chervin %A R %A Damilano %A S %A Fenili %A C %A G車mez %A R.M %A Leal Reyna %A M %A Lupi %A S %A Mart赤nez %A M %A Nofal %A MT %A Ruibal %A G %J Revista argentina de endocrinologˋ-a y metabolismo %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X primary hyperaldosteronism (pha) or conn's disease was classically suspected in the presence of hypertension (h) and hypokalemia. it was previously considered as a rare cause of h, being reported in only 1% of hypertensive patients. it can be caused by an adrenal adenoma (the former usual presentation) or by adrenal hyperplasia. but since the use of the aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio (aar) as the screening method in the last years, it is currently considered as almost the most frequent cause of secondary h., accounting for 5-10% of essential h. plasma rennin activity (pra) determination is a laborious procedure with low reproducibility and it directly affects the aar; thus each laboratory must assess its own cut-off value. therefore, in the adrenal department of the argentine society of endocrinology and metabolism (saem), we performed this multicentric prospective study of a population of argentina with the aim of assessing our own aar cut-off level in normotensive controls in order to apply it for pha screening in essential hypertensive patients. we studied 353 adult subjects: 104 controls, aged 45,18 ㊣ 13,78 years-old ( x㊣sd), with no history of arterial hypertension in their first-degree relatives and with two separate day-registry of blood pressure≒ 139/85 mmhg and 249 hypertensive patients, aged 51㊣ 13,6 years-old ( x ㊣ sd), with arterial blood pressure≡ 140/90 mmhg in the sitting position. subjects with cardiac, renal, hepatic and neurological diseases were excluded as well as those with cushing∩s syndrome, hyperthyroidism, untreated hypothyroidism, diabetes mellitus and patients under glucocorticoids, oral contraceptive pills or estrogen therapy. a normal sodium diet was indicated and potassium was supplemented when needed. blood was withdrawn between 8 and 10:00 a.m. with the subjects in the upright position. aldosterone (a) was determined by dpc radioimmunoassay (ria) and pra, by dia-sorin ria. the a normal levels are 4-30 ng/dl for ambulatory ind %K aldosterone/plasma renin activity ratio %K primary hyperaldosteronism %K arterial hypertension %K screening %K multicentric study. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1851-30342010000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en