%0 Journal Article %T Polimorfismos gen¨¦ticos de APOA5 se asocian a hipertrigliceridemia e hiperglicemia en individuos chilenos con enfermedad coronaria y controles %A Saavedra %A Nicol¨¢s %A Cuevas %A Alejandro %A Hern¨¢ndez %A Alfonso %A Caama£¿o %A Jos¨¦ %A Jaramillo %A Priscilla %A Lanas %A Fernando %A Salazar %A Luis A %J Revista chilena de cardiolog¨ªa %D 2010 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-85602010000100002 %X background: several genetic variants have been linked to the development ofcoronary heart disease and/or their riskfactors, including the s19wand-1131t> c polymorphisms ofthe gene that encodes apolipoprotein a5 (apoa5). thus, the objective ofthis study was to invest¨ªgate the possible association between s19w and -1131t>c genetic variants ofapoa5 and coronary disease in chilean individu¨¢is. methods: we evaluated 425 not related subjects; 209 patients with coronary artery disease (cad) confirmed by angiography (stenosis¡ú 70%,), aged between 33 and 74 years, and 216 control individu¨¢is (30 to 68 years). the genotyping of s19w and -1131t>c polymorphisms of apoa5 gene was evaluated by pcr-rflp. results: the genotype distr¨ªbution of s19w polymorphism of apoa5 gene in cad patients (ss: 80%,, sw: 19%, ww: 1 %>) and controls (ss: 82%,, sw: 17%, ww: 1 %>) was similar (p = ns). in the same way the genotype distr¨ªbution of-1131t>c genetic variantin cad subjects (tt: 56%,, tc: 37%,, and cc: 7%>) and controls (tt: 63%,, tc: 30%, and cc: 7%o) was equivalent (p = ns). the odds ratios related to the mutant alleles 19w (1.12, 95%, cl, 0.72 - 1.74, p = ns) and -1131c (1.19, 95%, cl, 0.87 -1.63, p = ns) confirms the absence of association. on the otherhand, the triglycerides and fasting glucose concentrations were significantly higher in subjects carrying the alleles 19w and -1131c, in both groups, cad patients and controls (p <0.05). conclusion: the observed association between genetic variants of apoa5 and higher serum lev¨¦is of triglycerides and glucose, in both groups, suggesting that these polymorphisms could be contribute to the development ofdiabetic dyslipidemia, a known risk factor for coronary artery disease. %K coronary artery disease %K apoa5 gene %K cardiovascular risk factors. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-85602010000100002&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en