%0 Journal Article %T Hallazgos anatomopatol¨®gicos definitivos en pacientes tiroidectomizados con diagn¨®stico preoperatorio de neoplasia folicular %A Go£¿i E %A Ignacio %A Krsulovic R %A Claudio %A Le¨®n R %A Augusto %A Gonz¨¢lez D %A Hern¨¢n %A Solar %A Antonieta %A Campusano M %A Claudia %A Ruiz A %A Catalina %J Revista chilena de cirug¨ªa %D 2012 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %R 10.4067/S0718-40262012000200004 %X background: the finding of follicular neoplasm, using a fnap, is an indication for partial or total thyroidectomy, to obtain the definitive malignant or benign histology. frequently, it is possible to identify significant additional histological diagnosis. aim: to obtain the definitive histological findings in patients with follicular neoplasm by fnap. patients and method: transversal analysis of 133 patients that underwent to total thyroidectomy between 2003 and 2009, that filled de requirements for adequate histological assessment. results: in 33.1% of the treated patients the final diagnosis was indeed a follicular neoplasm (adenoma in 26.3% and cancer in 6.8%). in the 51.9% the finding was follicular colloidal hyperplasia and other thyroid cancer in 8.3%. the total malignant prevalence in the whole gland was 29.3%. conclusions: the thyroidec-tomy is the treatment of choice and the final diagnostic procedure for these patients. the histological findings of cancer different from follicular not only in the punctioned nodule are a secondary and an additional argument for reinforcing the surgical indication. %K thyroidectomy %K thyroid cancer %K thyroid follicular neoplasm. %U http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S0718-40262012000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en