%0 Journal Article %T Creencias e increencia en el Cono Sur de Am¨¦rica: Entre la religiosidad difusa, la pluralizaci¨®n del campo religioso y las relaciones con lo p¨²blico y lo pol¨ªtico %A Mallimaci %A Fortunato %A Gim¨¦nez B¨¦liveau %A Ver¨®nica %J Revista argentina de sociolog£¿-a %D 2007 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this article wants to reflect upon the current configurations of religious field in america's southern cone. a diffuse religiosity has been consolidating from the last decades of the twentieth century. this one follows scarcely institutional recommendations and it is almost self- constructed, arising in a context of cultural catholicism, in which catholic symbols are re-created by different social actors. aiming to study the character of present latin american beliefs, w will work, firstly, with the meaning of secularization from a historical local perspec tive. secondly, we will consider the transformations in the religious sphere. finally, we will expose some analytic hypothesis about the linkages between politics and religion. %K religious field %K politics %K secularization %K religious diversity %K latin america. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1669-32482007000200004&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en