%0 Journal Article %T La pertenencia a la obra social como clave de la evaluaci¨®n de los servicios de salud: Un estudio de caso %A Mendes Diz %A Ana Mar¨ªa %A Findling %A Liliana %A Schwarz %A Patricia %A Di Leo %A Pablo %A Camarotti %A Ana %J Revista argentina de sociolog£¿-a %D 2006 %I Scientific Electronic Library Online %X this qualitative analysis explores the variables that impact on the evaluation of satisfaction levels by health-care users at the city of buenos aires graphic workers' polyclinic. a non probabilistic sample of 25 patients (15 women, 10 men) was selected according to sex and length of affiliation. these patients were interviewed based on an open-ended questionnaire and the data obtained was processed with atlas t software. membership mediates users' vision of the institution, thus providing a strong emotional element in the evaluation of health-care services. the symbolic meaning of the labor institution is transferred onto the health-care provider. thus, senior members assign meanings that transcend health-care services. these experiences shape affiliates' evaluations, which appear unaffected by "objective" quality standards. on the contrary, users evaluate an institution that is part of their lives, and personal biographies are interwoven with the history of the trade union and its health-care services. %K evaluation %K health-care quality %K length of affiliation %K patient satisfaction %K membership. %U http://www.scielo.org.ar/scielo.php?script=sci_abstract&pid=S1669-32482006000100003&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=en